Recommended restaurants of “36”


Some good addresses at 36 Maison d'Hôtes

(Non-exhaustive overview of addresses that we or our customers have tested)

The fleet

The Scale


3 Quai de Sénac

17630 The Fleet
Gourmet restaurant specializing in seafood.
Dishes of very good quality and prices accordingly.

The Saint George
at the bottom of the fleet harbor

An original menu for those who like modern cuisine, it's a bit of a change from mussels and fries... Home cooking is essential, excellent feedback from our customers. Outdoor terrace and room upstairs.


Establishment renovated in 2022, Parisian bistro style, you dine on communal tables or at the counter, ideal for a meal or if you are in a hurry(!)

The feet in water

Located on the embankment, facing the sea, home-made French cuisine, prices are affordable.
Prefer a table on the edge of the embankment to benefit from the view and the setting sun.

Il Gabiono

Italian restaurant run by ""real Italians""
You can taste all the Italian specialties there ""like there"".
Excellent pizzas
Medium setting and only open from mid-April to early September.

The Nautic

Directly on the port, large terrace and floor
Very friendly staff, quick to provide service.
The plus: Scallop menu (starter and main course) to discover...

St Martin de Ré

The Spray


Refined cuisine with island flavors.
Surprising combinations to delight both the eyes and the taste buds.
The room is small, you need to book

""O"" Parlor

Our favorite, our darling
Enchanting setting with a mixed art deco ambiance.
Rare on the island… space between tables: You don't dine on your neighbors' laps
You can choose the covered outdoor terrace, if necessary, very large and pleasant in summer.
A little air of ""like at home"", to taste revisited dishes that are both beautiful and refined.
Pleasant service. Fairly high prices.
Be careful in high season, you must reserve the establishment is a victim of its success.

La Couarde


New address, careful cuisine, fairly short menu but meals, service and welcome at the top!
Reasonable prices.
This address, a victim of its success, must be reserved.

The Balaou

Second recommended address in La Couarde - opposite the entrance to the beach -
Bistro style, friendly welcome, service sometimes long in season, dishes very correctly prepared.
We recommend it.


Sainte Marie

The Chai

delights your senses with every meal, whether breakfast, lunch or dinner. On its very pleasant terrace or in its dining room, you will enjoy authentic and original cuisine, made by lovers of gastronomy, who know that simplicity is the result of a delicate mixture of complexities.

Place dAntioche 17740 Ste Marie –

ARS to D

At Rémi's


Excellent address, Rémi Massé treats you to classic but extremely well-done cuisine, prices quite high but justified. Mandatory reservation.

Oyster cabins

La Couarde

The Fenau cabin

Tasting of shellfish and crustaceans in the middle of the salt marshes from the end of April to the end of September. Wild and bucolic place. Special clear oysters, mussels, shellfish and crustaceans, live prawns from the marshes (from the end of July).

Lunch or dinner near the farm.
By road or cycle path from La Couarde to Ars.

Booking is recommended.

Open every lunchtime except Tuesday in spring, then lunchtime and evening except Tuesday from July to the end of September.

LA COUARDE-SUR-MER (17670) Pont du Feneau - Route de Loix Tel. +33 (0)5 46 30 43 68 www.lacabanedufeneau.fr

The fleet

The Ocean Cabin

+33 (0)5 46 35 68 42

La Cabane Océane was created by Angélique and Sébastien, continuing the family tradition. Fine or special oysters, we will be keen to help you discover the range of our production with the flavors of the Pertuis...Let yourself be seduced by the oyster cocktail, to be enjoyed at the Cabane Oyster Bar, facing the Ocean!

On the Fleet Market open all year round (only on weekends from October to April, closed in January).

THE FLEET (17630)    2 route du Praud - Tel. +33 (0)5 46 35 68 42
The Oyster Bar and Boutique (direct sales) - 9 route du Praud

Such. +33 (0)5 46 66 54 08 - contact@lacabaneoceane.com


+33 (0)5 46 01 35 51

Facing the ocean, on the coastal path between La Flotte and Saint-Martin-de-Ré, this shellfish and shellfish tasting cabin located in the heart of a family oyster farm welcomes you for a moment of culinary relaxation.

On the menu, a palette of iodized flavors: oysters, seafood platters, mussels in foil, pan-fried shellfish and crustaceans.

In the shade of the pergolas, comfortably seated on giant beanbags, with your eyes immersed in the ocean, let yourself be tempted by these local delicacies all day long or at aperitif time and take the opportunity to discover the world of the Le Corre family, oyster farmers in La Flotte since 1966.

Open all year The tasting is open from April 1 to November 15
THE FLEET (17630) 4 route du Praud
Such. - +33 (0)5 46 01 35 51